Telbit in the entrepreneur and technology show mission at Brazil

written on 2009-09-01

Entrepreneur Mission between 7 and 12 of September (S. Paulo and Rio de Janeiro)

Telbit will participate in the entrepreneur mission and technology show of the Portuguese TICE (Information Technologies, Communication and Electronics) group at Brazil.

The mission will take place in the two main business centers of Brazil with the following lineup activities:

· S. Paulo: Visit to the S. Paulo university with participation on the “TICE's – Oportunidades em tempo de Adversidade” seminary; Technology show of the participant companies’ products.

· Rio de Janeiro: Participation in the “Rio Info 2009” and technology show “TICE – Portugal”

Rio Info ( aims to disseminate and promote the best IT Solutions developed in Brazil and also to encourage the interchange of new ideias and experiences between the participant entrepreneurs and specialists, providing new market and business opportunities.